The Odd Numbers entraron en mi vida gracias a este single y la estupenda canción "The Easy Life" y ya no han salido...... Tanto me gustaron que los consideré como la continuación natural del "Grupo Mod" en los 90, una de mis viejas camisetas lo puede atestiguar, je:

El poner este single tiene sus razones, por él mismo y por empezar la saga "The Odd Numbers", además de alguna sorpresa que estoy preparando sobre Dave Baisa. Aunque la verdad es que ultimamente parece que muchos blogs se han apuntado a lo "MOD" y seguramente encontrareís casi todo lo publicado por ellos sin problemas (o preguntar, claro) , de eso se trata también, de que se conozca y divulgue la buena música. Los dos temas del single aparecen en el LP "A Guide To Modern Living".
The Odd Numbers are without a doubt the best thing that ever came out of San Jose! screams a drunken haggered old drunk on a park bench, I should know I used to work for em! just then a mini van packed with all the Numbers gear pulls up and the band hop out run over and grab the drunkerd. its Rocko! and he's driving,! off on another wacky Odd Numbers adventure. the band has been together for over 15 years and played all over the world but that won't stop them from turnin it out down at the Caravan(local dive) on a thursday nite. theyd be drinkin down there anyway. after a bit of a break the Odd Numbers are back and ready to record their 5th L.P. along with a beraugh of singles to go along with it. I want to bring back the lost art of making good singles, says Baisa. The new single " HIgh Alert" is out now! (from myspace)
ResponderEliminar320 Kbps , Complete Artwork
A - The Easy Life
B - Clubbin'(A Jazz Odyssey)
Un salumod.
Otra vez gracias.
ResponderEliminarMe encanta este single, luego sacaron el Jazz cigarretes (compendio de singles)un tanto irregular, pero ´a guide for a modern living´y ´retrofited for today están muy muy bien.
Keep on burning´!!!!
Y antes el "About Time" y "The Trials and Tribulations Of..." Realmente me quedo con todos!!!! Gracias por el comentario, Sergi.
ResponderEliminar"The best thing that ever came out of San Jose?" You'd better get yourself acquainted with a combo called the Chocolate Watchband.
ResponderEliminarBut the Odd Numbers are good, too :¬)
"The best thing that ever came out of San Jose?".....this was taken from The Odd Numbers page in myspace.
ResponderEliminarI think that I know a band called Chocolate Watchband...... je, je.
Thanks for the comment!